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Applicant Rights and
Responsibilities Statement

Applicant Rights Statement 

a)  All members and new applicants of Zeta Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. ("the Sorority") have the right to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. 

b)  Deliberate disrespect towards individual members and new applicants at any point during the Intake process will not be tolerated within the confines of the Sorority’s Membership Intake Process. Such actions may be classified as physical or mental hazing; in terms of those actions which infringe upon an individual’s right to a safe and secure environment. The Sorority’s Constitution and By-Laws discloses the Membership Rules of Conduct which governs all Member Intake activities. 

c)  Hazing in itself is considered to be any type of physical or mental abuse or unjust treatment which causes deliberate or reckless mental or physical suffering to another during their membership intake process. According the New York State Penal Code of Section 120.16, such actions are considered to be in violation of an individual’s Civil Rights and therefore any individual or organization found to have committed such crimes may be brought up on official criminal charges. Such charges are classified as a Class A misdemeanor according to New York State Law, punishable with one year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. 

d)  In order to ensure the continued success of the Sorority’s tradition, which is centered around Respect, Honor, and Dedication, the Constitution and By-Laws which governs the Sorority has established specific guidelines by which formal reprimand of any member(s) who knowingly partakes in such activities. In addition, an incident report will be completed by the chapter officials and a notation of the said offence(s) will remain on the permanent record of the offending member(s).

Applicant Responsibilities Statement 

All new applicants have a responsibility to learn the history and doctrines of Zeta Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. in order to qualify for official membership. 

All new applicants must complete all phases of the Membership Intake itinerary pre-established by the Governing Body of the National Board of Zeta Delta Phi Sorority, Inc.

If at any point during your Membership Intake Process you have concerns or questions in regard to Hazing Laws, please feel free to contact the Membership Intake Coordinator:

I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the contents of the Applicant Rights and Responsibilities Statement and agree to be bound by its provisions.