Dear Sorors,

As we are all aware, we are in the midst of a pandemic.  COVID-19, commonly referred to as coronavirus, is causing major changes in all of our lives, whether or not we personally are infected.  It is our hope that no soror is suffering from this virus and that we are all following the CDC guidelines to minimize the possibility of becoming infected.

As you have probably now seen, the National Board has decided to cancel our Founders’ Day event, scheduled for March 29th. We strongly suggest that any in- person gathering—no matter the size—involving sorors of Zeta Delta Phi, Inc. be cancelled immediately.  Concern for the health and safety of each soror and avoiding any potential liability to our organization is at the heart of this request.

As more and more localities impose restrictions on our movements and mingling, we believe that prudence is of utmost importance.  However, please do reach out to sorors near and far to check on each other—every sister needs a sister!

Until we can meet again in person, stay healthy!

In Sisterhood,
National Board

Valerie Vallade                                                                                                          National Board President